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Henry VIII - part 1

60 second histories

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A description from Henry VIII's most trusted friend who explains what he was like as a person and how he liked to spend his time

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Hello, I’m Will Somers fool to his gracious majesty, King Henry, the eighth, although officially the King’s fools I am in fact his most trusted friend and therefore perfectly placed to tell you what he is really like. To look at, Henry is most handsome, his complexion is fair and bright, and he has auburn hair almost red in colour, which he wears in the French style, straight and short. He is much taller than me, being about six foot two in height and his chest is very broad which I think comes from shooting the longbow, one of his passions. The King is rather proud of his shapely legs, which I must admit are rather long and muscly. His majesty is obviously well educated and can easily hold a conversation in Latin or French, he speaks a little Italian too. His great love though is music. He and I spend hours alone in his chambers playing the lute or harpsichord. He also enjoys jousting, tennis and wrestling, but watch out if he loses he’ll be in a bad mood for days and that’s when he is at his most dangerous.
Kings & Queens
Will Somers
Key words: 
Tudors, Tudors, King, Henry, VIII, Monarchy, French, Appearance, Passionate, Longbow, Latin, Italian, Music, Harpsicord, Jousting, Tennis, Wrestling, Dangerous, KS3, key stage 3, key stage 3 history, secondary, KS3 videos, KS3 clips, KS3 history, KS3 videos, KS3 history film, KS3 history clip, Tudor, tudors, tudor history, Y7, Y8, Y9, Year 7, year 8, year 9