This Week In History
30 Nov
The Death of Oscar Wilde
- 30th November 1900 -
“My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has got to go.”
These were reportedly the last words of Oscar Wilder before he died of meningitis in a seedy Paris...
26 Jun
Queen Victoria awards the First Victoria Crosses
- 26th June 1857 -
There are occasions when the written press makes valuable contributions to British life. William Howard Russell, of The Times, was one such member. The Crimean War was...
06 Jun
The Founding of the YMCA
- 6th June 1844 -
For many people the letters YMCA conjure up images of the Village People singing a song of that name back in 1978. However, the history of the YMCA goes back exactly 100 years from my last blog on 6th...
01 May
Opening of the Great Exhibition -
May 1st 1851
Many have credited Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, solely with the idea and plans for this wonderful event. However the idea and driver was a man called Henry Cole, the man also credited...
25 Dec
Christmas is the day when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus, who they consider to be the Son of God. The name itself comes from the Mass of Christ which is where they remember that Jesus died for them and came back to life....