This video covers: This video was made by the 2016 winner of My EPIC Era competition and is about the pre-WW1 days of two school boys from Wycliffe College.
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Ron: My parents have bought a house in Stonehouse and want me to go to a private school called Wycliffe. I’d better get swatting.
Len: I’ve been sent away to a boarding school, I wonder what it’s gonna be like?
Ron: Hi there mate. You just started?
Len: That’s right, Boarder at ‘Hayswardfield’.
Ron: We have cadet corps training tonight, want to join up, you get to shoot rifles an everything.
Len: Sounds like fun. Will they give me a uniform?
Ron: Sure, it’s just like being in the army. Only no one gets killed.
Len: Sign me up Ron.
Ron: You never know Len, we might end up being in the same battalion one day if we join up together.
Len: You’re not a boarder like me, are you?
Ron: No, I live just down the road. You can come down to our house on a Sunday afternoon if you like. What sports do you play?
Len: A bit of football that’s all.
Ron: I love rugby and football. My Dad runs the Gloucester Rugby club so I get to go there sometimes, you should come along.
Len: That would be great.
School boys
Key words:
WW1, World War I, World War I, WWI, My epic era, wycliffe, wycliffe college, hayswardfield, boarder, Stonehouse, Gloucester, KS3, key stage 3, key stage 3 history, secondary, KS3 videos, KS3 clips, KS3 history, KS3 videos, KS3 history film, KS3 history clip, WW1, World War I, World War One, World War 1, Y7, Y8, Y9, Year 7, year 8, year 9, 20thC, 20C, 20th Century, 20th C,