This video covers:
The different organs that are retained from body and explain how they are stored in canopic jars, we also look at each of the jars and what they represent.
Now what to do with the body organs that are left over from the mummification? We all know the brain is useless and because it gets all scrambled up, having been pulled out through the nose, we just throw it away. The four main organs we keep are, the liver, the intestines, the stomach and the lungs they are preserved and put into four canopic jars. These canopic jars are normally made of clay and each top has the head of a different god. The jar with a human head represents the god Imsety who guards the liver, while the jar with the falcon’s head represents the god Qebhsunuef who looks after the intestines. The other jar tops have the head of a Jackal which is Duamutef who looks after the stomach and finally the lungs go into the jar with the baboon head, which is the god Hapi who guards the lungs. These jars are then put into a canopic chest and placed in the tomb close to the mummy, so the organs can be used by the mummy in the afterlife.
Ancient Egypt
Egyptian high priest
Key words:
Ancient Egypt, Egyptian, Egyptians, canopic, internal organs, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, Canopic jars, organs, mummified, after life, gods, god, heart, Egypt, Imsety, Qebhsunuef, Duamutef, Hapy, Canopic chest, brain, mummification, Human Head, Falcons Head, Jackal Head, Baboon Head, KS2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Key Stage 2, Hapi,, KS2, key stage 2 history, primary, KS2 videos, KS2 clips, KS2 history, KS2 videos, KS2 history film, KS2 history clip, Egypt, Egyptian, Egyptians, Ancient Egypt,