This video covers: What happened to the churches and religious houses after the Pilgrimage of Grace.
With the Risings and Pilgrimage of Grace successfully defeated and the ringleaders executed, I was free to focus my attention on the rest of the houses of the church, especially the bigger monasteries and abbeys. After all many of those executed, as traitors were churchmen. I must admit I didn’t waste any time, by fifteen forty all of the English religious houses were closed through the Act of Suppression of fifteen thirty nine, they didn’t all disappear though. Some have survived as cathedrals like the one at Winchester, whilst others have survived as parish churches like those at Bath and Tewkesbury and some have become country houses. The majority of course have been stripped down and are still being quarried for their stonework. Yes, we have sold everything even down to the nails from the timber and all of the proceeds have gone to swell the King’s treasury, but I fear it will do him no good as much of the profits from the sale of monastic property and lands has gone to pay for the King’s wars with France and Scotland. As for the monks and nuns, well many have of them have married, learned trades and prospered.
The Reformation
The Reformation
Thomas Cromwell
Key words:
Thomas Cromwell, King Henry VIII, Henry VIII, King Henry, monastery, monasteries, convent, convents, abbey, abbeys, cathedral, cathedrals, Winchester, Tewkesbury, Bath, monk, monks, nun, nuns, friar, friars, Cardinal Wolsey, Wolsey, Supreme Head, Pope, Rome, Lord Chancellor, Lord Chancellor of England, dissolution, dissolution of the monasteries, tudor, tudors, catholic, church, catholic church, church of England, suppression act, 1536, act of suppression, tudor, tudors, Y7, Y8, Y9, Year 7, year 8, year 9, KS3, Key Stage 3, reformation, Act of Suppression, 1539, risings, pilgrimage of grace, churchmen, church, parish church, parish,