This video covers: Thomas Cromwell describing the beginning of the dissolution of the monasteries
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Do you know there are over eight hundred monasteries and convents in England, staffed by around ten thousand monks, nuns and friars. Can you imagine the cost of maintaining these houses and all their staff? Now I am not the first to try and close some of these places down, in fact one of my predecessors Cardinal Wolsey tried but failed. However now the King is the Supreme Head of our church the monasteries are no longer protected by the Pope in Rome, instead they have the power of the King against them and as I, Thomas Cromwell, Lord Chancellor of England, am the instrument of the King they also have me against them. I don’t plan to dissolve the great monasteries first, no; I will begin by closing the lesser houses and redeploy their income. I have commissioned two great surveys; one of find out exactly what each of the monasteries are worth and the other is to see what the monks are up to and see if they behaving themselves.
The Reformation
Key people
The Reformation
Kings & Queens
Thomas Cromwell
Key words:
Thomas Cromwell, King Henry VIII, Henry VIII, King Henry, monastery, monasteries, convent, convents, monk, monks, nun, nuns, friar, friars, Cardinal Wolsey, Wolsey, Supreme Head, Pope, Rome, Lord Chancellor, Lord Chancellor of England, dissolution, dissolution of the monasteries, tudor, tudors, catholic, church, catholic church, church of England, suppression act, 1536, act of suppression, tudor, tudors, Y7, Y8, Y9, Year 7, year 8, year 9, KS3, Key Stage 3, reformation,