This video covers: Thomas Cromwell and the beginning of the closure of the smaller monasteries and convents
My two great surveys uncovered some very useful information. The one told me just how much land the monasteries own and how valuable they are. Why it is thought they own up to a third of the land in England and Wales. The other uncovered the behaviour of the monks and nuns, and revealed that many are idle and do not lead the sort of life they should. It is even said that monks have fathered children, which of course is not allowed. So, armed with this evidence, I presented it to the King and the Suppression Act of fifteen thirty six has been passed. Only the smaller monasteries are to be closed, the ones valued with an income of less than two hundred pounds a year. There are some exceptions of course but on the whole most will be closed down. Jewels and ornaments are to be seized by our commissioners, and farmers will be put in charge of the land and buildings until they can be sold off and the money placed into the royal coffers. Monks who find themselves redundant will be given pensions or the option to transfer to one of the larger monasteries; I think that’s only fair, don’t you?
The Reformation
Key people
The Reformation
Kings & Queens
Thomas Cromwell
Key words:
Thomas Cromwell, King Henry VIII, Henry VIII, King Henry, monastery, monasteries, convent, convents, monk, monks, nun, nuns, friar, friars, Cardinal Wolsey, Wolsey, Supreme Head, Pope, Rome, Lord Chancellor, Lord Chancellor of England, dissolution, dissolution of the monasteries, tudor, tudors, catholic, church, catholic church, church of England, survey, suppression act, 1536, act of suppression, tudor, tudors, Y7, Y8, Y9, Year 7, year 8, year 9, KS3, Key Stage 3, reformation, the reformation,