This video covers: A description of the time Florence Nightingale spent at Scutari and the practices she introduced.
It wasn’t just the filth that was the problem at Scutari, amputations were carried out anywhere, often in full view of the other patients. I told the surgeons this wasn’t acceptable, but they did not like to be told how to do things by a woman. It took me six months to convince them to change their ways, after which things improved dramatically. I introduced a laundry in which to boil clean the sheets and towels, we improved the food too, by forming an invalid’s kitchen, after all if you are ill you need good food to build up your strength. I also created a classroom and a library for the men’s intellectual stimulation and entertainment and to help improve themselves. When one of our wards was falling down and needed rebuilding, the army wouldn’t help, so I paid for the work myself and hired two hundred workers to rebuild the block for us! The newspapers back home reported on our good work and they helped to raise thousands of pounds to help the sick and wounded. It was by this time that I felt my work was done and it was time to return home.
Medicine & Health
Victorian Reformers
British Empire
Key people
Victorian Reformers
Medicine & health
Florence Nightingale
Key words:
Short history video, history resource, school history, history video, history clip, Medicine through Time, Medicine through the ages, medicine, health, reform, victorian reform, reformist, reformer, GCSE, AQA, Edexcel, OCR, EDUQAS, Crimea, nurse, nursing, Scutari, Constantinople, military hospital, hospital, war, Crimea War, cholera, reforms, typhoid, KS4, key stage 4, key stage 4 history, secondary, KS4 videos, KS4 clips, KS4 history, KS4 videos, KS4 history film, KS4 history clip, Victorian, Victorian Reformer, Victorian reformers, Y9, Y10, Y11, Year 9, year 10, year 11,