This video covers:
A description of Henry Tudor and his coronation in 1485. It also covers his marriage to Elizabeth of York uniting the house of Lancaster with York and the creation of the Tudor rose
It was my uncle the Earl who warned me keep my wits about me at court. “These Tudors aren’t English but Welsh with a bit of French mixed in” he said. Well it’s lucky for me that I have a bit of both in me too. I’d heard all kinds of things about our King Henry the seventh, I was told he wasn’t handsome and if anything a little weak. So, the first time I actually saw him at his coronation in Westminster Abbey on the thirtieth of October fourteen eighty five, I was most surprised to find that he wasn’t at all ugly, in fact he was quite a handsome fellow and most cheerful, especially when he spoke. It was not long after I was appointed to become lady in waiting to the Kings new wife. King Henry was to marry a Yorkist, Elizabeth of York no less. What a genius, uniting his own house of Tudor with the house of York, he even put the white rose of York together with the red rose of Lancaster, added some leaves, a splash of yellow and the Tudor Rose was born.
Kings & Queens
Tudor lady
Key words:
King, Henry, King Henry VII, English, Welsh, French, handsome, westminster abbey, 1485, cheerful, yorkist, elizabeth of york, elizabeth, unite, uniting, tudor rose, red rose, white rose, lancaster, york, house of lancaster, house of york, KS3, key stage 3, key stage 3 history, secondary, KS3 videos, KS3 clips, KS3 history, KS3 videos, KS3 history film, KS3 history clip, Tudor, tudors, tudor history, Y7, Y8, Y9, Year 7, year 8, year 9