This video covers:
A description of what the streets of Rome looked like, what kind of buildings there were such as the forum and basilica and why there were so many takeaways.
Salve. I was in Rome recently - that was an education I can tell you, there are great palaces up on the hills and temples all over the place, and just walking down an ordinary street is amazing. They have schools there which are usually just the ground floor part of a house, if you look through the windows you can see all the boys at their studies. There are lots of shops and above the shops are apartments where people live. The apartments don’t have kitchens or stoves for cooking though, fires are a constant worry, but close by there are always plenty of food shops to purchase takeaways. Getting around in Rome is dead easy; you see it’s all built on a grid system. When you walk down one street you usually come to a forum, it’s a market, where you can buy anything from your weekly shop to a slave. Normally next to the forum is a basilica, this is a building that is used as a law court, a town hall and a public meeting place. These are magnificent buildings, something we Romans are proud of.
Buildings & Structures
Domestic Life
Farming & Food
Key words:
Rome, salve, streets, palace, temple, house, school, shop, kitchen, stove, apartment, fire, food shop, takeaway, take away, grid system, forum, market, basilica, law court, town hall, romans, buildings, Roman, Rome, Lifestyle, town, KS2, key stage 2, key stage 2 history, primary, KS2 videos, KS2 clips, KS2 history, KS2 videos, KS2 history film, KS2 history clip, Rome, Roman, Romans, Ancient Rome, Ancient Romans, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, roman history,