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A visit to the music hall

60 second histories

This video covers:

A description of the entertainment available during Victorian times including a visit to a music hall and the different acts you can expect to see

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I must tell you that living in London in the eighteen eighties is such fun. I know I am luckier than some, what with Father having such a good job; we’re what you might call middle class and this allows us access to all kinds of fun. We love to visit the many art galleries and museums here; the Natural History Museum is my favourite. Father prefers the Science Museum but I find it so boring; Father says it’s because I am a young Lady and that I don’t understand science, cheek! I can read and write and have a good education, but enough of this, I want to tell you about the Music Hall, they are just the most fun you can have. There are almost five hundred music halls in London and it only costs a few pennies to get in. You can see so many different acts on the stage from ship wrecked sailors telling their story, to flying children, wild animals, jugglers and comedians and the like, but my favourite are the singsongs, I just love to join in, it’s wonderful and if we don’t like a performance we all boo and hiss, its hilarious!
Leisure & sport
Victorian lady
Key words: 
Victorian, middle class, eighteen hundreds, eighteen eighties, art galleries, museum, art gallery, natural history museum, science museum, music hall, acts, storytelling, wild animals, jugglers, comedians, singsong, Leisure, Sport, KS3, key stage 3, key stage 3 history, secondary, KS3 videos, KS3 clips, KS3 history, KS3 videos, KS3 history film, KS3 history clip, Victorian, Y7, Y8, Y9, Year 7, year 8, year 9,