This Week In History
12 Sep
The Discovery of the Lascaux Cave
- 12th September 1940 -
Marcel Ravidat was walking his dog in the Dordogne region of South-West France on Lascaux Hill, near the village of Montignac. The dog suddenly disappeared into a cavity that was...
15 May 2017
The Antikythera Mechanism revealed as a computer
- 17th May 1902 -
A definition of a computer is often held to be a machine that is capable of performing a set of operations automatically to produce a result in the form of information. Charles...
22 Apr
The Gas Attack at Ypres in World War One
- 22nd April 1915 -
NB: Image shown is of victims of gas in 1918
Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned...
03 Apr
The First Mobile Phone Call
- April 3rd 1973 -
It was way back in 1908, in Kentucky, that the first patent for a ‘wireless telephone’ was issued. The first call on a mobile device, however, was made by Martin Cooper, an executive and engineer...
24 Mar
The Escape from Stalag Luft III
- 24th March 1944 -
Depicted in the film The Great Escape, the attempt by 200 men to free themselves from a German prison, for Air Officers, in the middle of a forest in Upper Silesia, has gone down in legend....