This Week In History
10 Jan
The First Underground Service in London is Opened
- 10th January 1863 -
Due to the massive population explosion in London became difficult to navigate and congested – no change there. Central London was a no-go area for trains which all...
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on sport in the Victorian times
09 Jul
The First Wimbledon Championships
- July 9th 1877 -
The very first championships held by the All England Club, Wimbledon, were about as far removed from today’s version as one could possibly imagine. The only similarity was the rain delay...
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on crime & punishment in Victorian times
19 Jun
The Establishment of the London Metropolitan Police
- June 19th 1829 -
Glasgow had one from 1800. Ireland had the newly established Royal Irish Constabulary. Local authorities had always been in charge of law and order in England but it...
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on Football in the Victorian times
16 Mar
1stFootball Association Challenge Cup Final
Kennington Oval
Wanderers 1 Royal Engineers 0
- 16thMarch 1872 -
At a meeting in the offices of the Sportsman in London on 20thJuly 1871 a proposal by Charles Alcock, the honorary...
21 May
The Official Opening of the Manchester Ship Canal
- May 21st1894 -
Raw cotton, imported from America, was arriving in huge quantities in North West England. The conditions in that area were perfect. The damp, moist environment prevented...