This Week In History
12 Nov
The First Public performance by Jules Leotard
“The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze’
- 12th November 1859 -
The ‘Circus’ itself is of comparatively modern origin though elements of it go right back to ancient times. The Romans themselves...
02 Sep
2nd September 1973
- The Death of JRR Tolkien -
The Hobbit, the unexpected bestseller and cult novel, written by JRR Tolkien was never intended for publication. It stemmed from the mundane beginnings of marking exam scripts. A student had left...
29 Jul
The Establishment of the Boy Scout Organisation and the Camp at Brownsea Island
- 29th July 1907 -
Robert Baden-Powell was the eighth child of the Reverend Baden-Powell, an Oxford Professor, and his wife, Henrietta. Born on 22nd February in...
05 Jul
Churchill’s Crushing Election Defeat
5th July 1945
The Second World War shook up society to its core. Scholars have spent their entire lives attempting to uncover its political, cultural and social ramifications. The United Kingdom’s 1945...
06 May
The First Sub-Four Minute Mile -
6th May 1954, Iffley Road Stadium, Oxford
Many believed it could not be done. For years people had tried. However they were getting closer. The ‘miracle mile’ would happen soon and two men were vying for the...